Tuesday, July 20, 2010

movie goes.

this is really cool movie, its just 32 minuite. but its can amazed us. and this movie is without DIALOG ! woww. so, we just watch this by looking to the picture and with orchestra background music.

can't enough words to say for this dorama ! its freakin' me out ! masterpiece !! i had enough box of tissue to watch this movie. "MUST" watch item.

Friday, July 16, 2010

surprise ! TA-DAH

a week ago i went to medan for holiday and im visiting my aunt place in bukit lawang (lawang hill), where is that? maybe you have heard about bahorok? yeah, thats not far from that. -.-
im sight-seeing, eating durian and doing lol stuff with my sister and my cousins. lol stuff? 'cause i take stupid picture, walking on jembatan gantung (?) and watching foreigners swimming on river with banana boat, and you know? that was sooo UGH ! LOL !! you should see that. banana boat on river. i wanna take those picture but,its kinda far from jembatan gantung(?) so i just watched them.
after that i went to the hotel where those foreigner sleep. and take some picture, you can see on my facebook. and after that we're back to my aunt place (she opened some kind of restaurant there) and i saw 2 germany people, the old man and his son. wow. you should see the boy, he is totally handsome, really look like justin bieber. *LOLi took this picture secretly. huahahahahahha. they spoke germany and i dunno what they said?! its like " bahasa kumur-kumur" *LOL. after 15 minuite see them, i dared my self to do introduction and take a picture with them,.and after take some pic (i just uploaded this). im being told by my mom that they are my relatives ! and that boy is my COUSINS ! i've got germany cousins, that shocking ! *SHOCK*. and sooner, i know that his mother is my aunt. btw, his name is thomas and his father name is reinhard. wahahaha. yeay. happy holiday !

just posting it.

yeah, well, its holiday but i get my boredom here. -.-
and i just got remedial things on my score, shit. but yeah, this is life and i must get it through.
you know, i think i just loved to posting photos or video, i hate to writing all about stuff or whatever. actually i wanna make tumblr acc but i think blogger.com is already enough to posting my stuff. yeah.. just enjoy it. *LMAO*

Friday, July 2, 2010