hello blog readers~! long time no see huh? actually there's so many things i want to post but since my internet at home being lagged and i cant opened my blogger.com from my lappie so i've been so lazy to update lol.
anyway, about 2 weeks ago i went to holiday trip ! its in Thailand,malaysia and singapore. but i cant take so many pics in thailand because there's technical problems. imo~
i'll tell about my trip story later~ cuz the connection is just like a damn..
anyway, i just watched a japanese drama (again) couples of week ago. and i'll post it now.
its AKAI ITO (赤い糸/The red thread). actually i accidentally buying this when im in medan. i planned to buy some DVDs like Hanamizuki and Yamada taro and other westerns but i couldnt find it. so i choose random movies and ho-lla! i picked AKAI ITO.
i thought its gonna be a BO-RING movie but ITS NOT!! i even cried the whole movies. that was good. im still loving romantic drama..

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