anyway, its been a busy day for me because i must thin
king about my thesis theme and others that i really need to "think". its really made me stressed out for about 2 weeks.
its made me stressed because i need to change my topic for the thesis and also my thesis supervisors. and i need 2 supervisors. the first one is for the theme's expert and
second one is for writing editor. as time passed i finally choose the good ones so i hope when the univ attach the announchment (yea, univ will select all the themes and supervisors which made me go smfh) is suit for my themes and my choosen ones.
oh and i have one friend, he's a annoying thief. he stole my friends thesis theme until they must change the theme (we must have different theme for each of us) and now, he want to stole mine. also he choose the same supervisors as mine too. im really upset and
mad but i cant do anything and the last time i heard, he changed it again but this time, same as my bestfriend's theme.
nvm about my complain, i've been addicted to superfly song recently. god she has amazing voice and songs and everything.

my favourite song from her is wildflower :
seriously, wildflower is one of the best japanese song i've ever heard in my life. i thought she is the best rocker and did covers for many famous western-rocker. and she can sing a ballad song and it so beautiful!