im so boreeed! its saturday and i think i should going somewhere and out of the box rn!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Old music
So, the long weekend has finally started from today until this monday. 4 days off is not that bad actually. but too bad im just staying at home and be friend with my internet and anything that can amuse me during the weekend.
Anyway, i change my background is it good? kinda childish but who cares? i like it. but yeah, i think i should studying desain graphic so i can make my own background with those HTML codes. but i have other things to do so this background will do for this moment.
im active on several forums and ofc its anything about music. and i saw one thread about "rate the song above your post" so when im going to post, the song above me is UVERworld new single 7th Trigger :
im not a big fan of UVERworld but i listen to their song D-Techno life or something and its good but not the other songs. and when i listen to this song i thought "Wow, its cool!" my favourite part is the whistle part and also the song is pretty nice and maybe i'll listen to their other song.
UVERworld is rock band and i'll always love rock songs because they are not really influated by the time opposite with pop song.
actually im more into pop songs, the ratio between pop and rock is 75:35.
i listened various type of music that i think its a good music. i like to singing and dancing by the way. since i spent my childhood in japan, so i listen to j-music rather than any of others.
when im entered my junior high, im so obsessed with western music than j-music because im not live in japan anymore and i have MTV on my television and they always played western music. i like group music also solo. i've been so crazy over Hanson, Blue, Alanis Morisette, clay aiken,britney spears,ashlee simpsons,BEP and others that i cant think of since there are soo many of them and seriously music back then are nice.
But things are changed significantly, maybe its around 2008-2009 when old music is changed to new music. music nowadays have so many unnecessary lines and techno song and i dont know, i cant describe it well but if you listen to 1996-2006 music to today music, i bet you know what i mean.
Well, i cant blame those who created such a music since music it self have universal meaning but i honestly think that today music is not memorable as the old music does. and its saddens me that the ancestor of old music is become flopped by those who made music that become "trend" today.
but seriously if you go to youtube you can find in 2000s music and many people comment "Old music is good than nowadays" and its true and i agree with them. so i make this post. generation is changed also the music.
im often listen to K-music/J-music and its changed quickly and its all the same and makes me bored. well, different to Rock music because its not changed as significant as pop did (but since im not really Rock lovers i can say that too lol)
But yeah. i cant properly "alive" without music so i will listen to it eventually even though i will love the older one that nowadays.
i listen to idol music too if they had good music. but sometimes it bother me when people say idol music is a trash and hey, its really happend. just because they are idol doesnt mean they cant produce good music. and i'll listen to idol songs as long as its a good music tbh
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Current obsession
been like a zombie in these days. not because i have no time to sleep but its due to my boredom because i have so much free time nowadays and im going nowhere so i ended up in front of my lappy and raping my internet connection.
anywayss *roll eyes* its not that bad since i have many spare times, i can do many things and lazy-ing my self at home. time flies and take me 2 years behind me. i even have no time to be relax like today and wait, until i realized it is a set up. a holy given day off because i'll face one of the hardest job i will ever do in the next 8 months = THESIS.
*broke the lamp*
speaking of free time, i've been downloading many movies and songs also watching that can amuse me on YouTube. speaking of Youtube, i just found the DVD digest of Awasomelyflawless Superfly the legend concert "Shout in the Rainbow" and it was amaaazing (even i watched it through Youtube for 2 minutes) i wish i went there and everyone is had so much fun :
i saw the comment section and many people compare her to adele and i was like "hey dude adele? its sooo irrelevant!" yes! superfly(aka shiho) voice is deep and powerful doesnt make her look like adele (because i prefer shiho's voice than adele tbh but i love you adele). shiho can jump off the stage while running and screaming and dancing and singing in a high note while adele only can do that in stoned pose. you get what i mean? i left my comment on YT but i wont tell you my YT id teheee :P
also, im so obsessed with J-Urban songs rite now like Ms.Ooja and BENI. too bad they are not that famous in japan which is dissapoint me because many international fans like them.
Oh, and im thinking to post more on my blog even the review! because i got 4 days-off due to holiday and governor election on my place.
PS.Maeda Atsuko (face and the most popular member of AKB48) is gonna graduate soon. im so sad, i like her dead-fish eyes. and im team acchan by the way even my oshi is mariko.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
anyway, its been a busy day for me because i must thin
king about my thesis theme and others that i really need to "think". its really made me stressed out for about 2 weeks.
its made me stressed because i need to change my topic for the thesis and also my thesis supervisors. and i need 2 supervisors. the first one is for the theme's expert and
second one is for writing editor. as time passed i finally choose the good ones so i hope when the univ attach the announchment (yea, univ will select all the themes and supervisors which made me go smfh) is suit for my themes and my choosen ones.
oh and i have one friend, he's a annoying thief. he stole my friends thesis theme until they must change the theme (we must have different theme for each of us) and now, he want to stole mine. also he choose the same supervisors as mine too. im really upset and
mad but i cant do anything and the last time i heard, he changed it again but this time, same as my bestfriend's theme.
nvm about my complain, i've been addicted to superfly song recently. god she has amazing voice and songs and everything.

my favourite song from her is wildflower :
seriously, wildflower is one of the best japanese song i've ever heard in my life. i thought she is the best rocker and did covers for many famous western-rocker. and she can sing a ballad song and it so beautiful!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
off from the chain!
Hello! ages through since the last time i updated this blog.
yeah.. things go so busy these days anyway, im turning 20th last month! can't believe it i'll have 2- in front of my age. and guess what? i need 2 semester more to graduate from my university as S.ked (medical degree, duh)
and now, im on my way to searching the right theme for my thesis (idk what you called that in english so i use Thesis) as my final work on my degree. seems pretty easy and simple but it turn out being so difficult to me.
i choose analitical methods. most of my friends choose experimental methods but i think im good at analitical so, i choose that one.
i have 3 main themes for my thesis and the faculty will choose one of those so.. pray the best for me!
oh and, i made tumblr 3 months ago. that place is rawks. its better than blogging stuff by the way. but many people use tumblr for fangirling/boying purposes so you know what they do on thereee loool
this is one of my jam for months, its pretty old but can't help it since they're my number one bias.
(try to sing and dance along with that like you're doing aerobic) :
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